Ruena- Red de Uso Eficiente Del Nitrógeno en Agricultura
Servicios Agrícolas en Pamplona

Servicios agrícolas Ruena- Red de Uso Eficiente Del Nitrógeno en Agricultura es una empresa localizada en CAMPUS ARROSADIA Pamplona, Navarra. Para contactar con éste negocio servicios agrícolas puedes llamar al teléfono 948169122.

The network’s main task is to provide a connection between all of the people who are interested in the efficient use of nitrogenous fertilizers within a single scientific-technical framework, taking into account the far-reaching implications that the use of N has for the environment. The overall aim is to create an open network, incorporating both the best research teams and teams of experts in applied agricultures and related technical fields, with the aim of fostering exchanges of information in both directions. This will clearly benefit the agricultural sector, which will be the main receiver of the resulting technological transfer. The presence within the network of companies and institutions that are directly involved in the agricultural sector makes it easier for information to be exchanged and disseminated, for the results of research to be transferred and for all concerned to develop a better knowledge and understanding of the real nature of the problems in question. Having a network of these characteristics could also have strategic value in the near future, as it could help to facilitate contacts with other networks or European research groups that share the same objective of assuming and jointly developing projects within the ambit of the European Union.

Ruena- Red de Uso Eficiente Del Nitrógeno en Agricultura teléfonos

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Redes sociales Ruena- Red de Uso Eficiente Del Nitrógeno en Agricultura

Ubicación Ruena- Red de Uso Eficiente Del Nitrógeno en Agricultura

Región: Pamplona

Toda información mostrada en ésta ficha ha sido recopilada de fuentes o sitios públicos de empresas y autónomos

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